October 18, 2024

What is a healthy relationship?

You presumably desire a healthy relationship if you’re in one or want to be if you don’t already. But what actually constitutes a healthy relationship?

It depends, really.

People have varied requirements, thus healthy relationships don’t look the same for everyone. Your demands in terms of intimacy, sex, space, common interests or principles, etc., might evolve throughout the course of your lifetime.

Therefore, a relationship that is successful in your twenties may not be what you desire in your thirty years. Even if they don’t fit the more conventional notions of a relationship, some relationships can nonetheless be healthy. People who follow ethical non monogamy or polyamory, for instance, may define a healthy relationship in a different way than those who follow monogamy.

The definition of a “healthy relationship” is broad since it relies on the requirements of the parties involved. But in healthy relationships, a few obvious indications do stick out.

Adaptability is a quality that many healthy relationships share. They adjust to the environment and the fact that we undergo constant change and move through various stages of life.

Here are some other characteristics of strong relationships:

Honest dialogue

Healthy couples frequently discuss their life together, including their accomplishments, setbacks, and everything in between. You should feel at ease discussing any difficulties that arise, from little ones like friends or job stress to more significant ones like indicators of mental illness or financial worries.

Even if they disagree, they listen without passing judgment before offering their viewpoint. Mutual communication occurs. You must have faith in their ability to express any issues or ideas they may have in the future. People in non-monogamous relationships could appreciate regular communication and emotional check-ins on how their other partners are doing even more.



Trust entails sincerity and morality. You don’t keep things hidden from one another. You don’t worry about them chasing other people while you’re apart. However, trust extends beyond having faith in their integrity and honesty.

It also indicates you are at ease and secure around them and are certain they won’t harm your bodily or mental well-being. They respect you enough to let you make your own decisions even though you know they have your best interests in mind.

Interdependence is the greatest way to characterize healthy relationships. Interdependence is the state in which two people depend on one another for assistance while yet retaining their individuality.

In other words, your relationship is balanced. You are aware of their affection and admiration for you, yet your self-worth is independent of them. Despite being there for one another, you don’t rely on one another to meet all of your needs.

Even after the relationship, you maintain friendships and connections and spend time engaging in your own interests and pastimes.


Curiosity is a crucial component of a strong, lasting relationship. This indicates your interest in their objectives, aspirations, and everyday activities. You want to see them develop into their strongest selves. You’re not stuck on who they are now or who you believe they ought to be.

You both have open thoughts about one another. Curiosity also implies you’re open to discussing or considering rearranging your relationship’s dynamics if some facets of your current arrangement start to seem unfulfilling. Realism is also a component. You care about that person, not some idealized representation of them, because you see them for who they are.

Separate time

Although the amount of time you spend together might vary depending on personal needs, employment and other responsibilities, living circumstances, etc., most individuals in good relationships value spending time together.

However, you also understand the value of having private time and space. You may use this time to relax alone, engage in a pastime, or visit with loved ones. You don’t have to be together all the time or think your relationship suffers if you spend some time apart, whatever you do.

Positivity or cheerfulness

When the mood is right, it’s crucial to schedule time for enjoyment and spontaneity. It’s a positive indicator if you can laugh and joke around together.

Sometimes one or both of you may experience difficulties or problems in life. Your relationship’s dynamic may momentarily shift as a result, making it challenging to communicate in your typical methods. But even in trying circumstances, your connection is stronger when you can laugh together and defuse the situation.

Physical intimacy

Intimacy does not always refer to sexual activity. Not everyone likes or seeks out sex. If both of you are committed to having your needs fulfilled, your relationship may still be happy without it.

If neither of you is interested in having intercourse, physical closeness might consist of snuggling, sleeping next to each other, kissing, and hugs. No matter the closeness you experience, it’s crucial to physically connect and bond.

Your physical relationship is most likely healthy if you both love having sex when:

  • Capable of handling rejection well and being at ease initiating and discussing sex
  • Feel free to express your desire for more or less sex.

Respecting sexual limits is another aspect of healthy connection. This comprises:

  • Not forcing partners to engage in sex or specific sex acts when they express a preference against it
  • Addressing sexual risk issues with other partners


A solid connection might be called a team. Even when you disagree on something or have different aims, you still work together and support one another.

In essence, you support one another. You are aware that you can rely on them in difficult times. And you’re always available to help them if they need it.

Settling quarrel and arguments

You will occasionally argue with one other and feel irritated or upset with each other, even in a happy relationship. That is entirely typical. It doesn’t imply that your relationship or marriage is unhealthy. What counts is how you handle disagreements.

You’re on the right track if you can discuss your disagreements with grace, candor, and respect. Finding a compromise or solution is frequently possible when partners approach a dispute without condemnation or disdain.

Questions to consider

It’s challenging to hold every relationship to the same standards. However, there are a few questions you can pose to yourself as a type of self-test if you’re searching for advice on whether yours is healthy.

Is your relationship strong?

Ask yourself:

  • Does my relationship support my growth?
  • Do we have similar long-term objectives?
  • Do we desire the same type of connection?
  • Can I be authentic around them?
  • Accepting them for who they are, or not?
  • Do we treat each other properly, giving and receiving equally?
  • Are they making my life better or worse?
  • Does our time together have any purpose?

Your relationship is definitely healthy if you largely respond “Yes.”

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