October 18, 2024

What is the definition of stretch marks?

Stretch marks (striae) are discolored, marginally indented (depressed), scar-like lines in your skin. They show up when your skin quickly extends or recoils.

Stretch marks show up on your:

  • Abdominal area (stomach).
  • Breasts (boobs).
  • Upper arms.
  • Lower back.
  • Buttocks (butt).

Who do stretch marks influence?

Anybody can get stretch marks. But you’re more likely to create stretch marks:

  • In case you’re pregnant, particularly a high chance if you’re Dark, Hispanic, East Asian or South Asian.
  • If you abruptly pick up or lose a substantial amount of weight.
  • If your muscles get bigger rapidly through lifting weights or intense workouts.
  • In case you’re encountering a development spurt during puberty.
  • In case you’ve got a family history of stretch marks (hereditary qualities).
  • A high chance if you’ve got Cushing’s syndrome or Marfan disorder.

How do stretch marks influence my body?

Stretch marks do not cause harm, but they can influence your mental wellbeing. They can make you stress almost how others see you. They can moreover influence how you think of yourself and your behavior. You might feel insecure, unease and sad about your body’s stretch marks.

What are the indications of stretch marks?

Symptoms of Stretch marks may include:

  • Indented lines in your skin.
  • Discoloration (ruddy, pink, blue, dark, purple or brown).
  • Skin continuously gets to be shiny and shows up streaked in silver or white
  • Itchiness
  • Discomfort

What Causes Stretch Marks?

When your skin quickly extends or recoils, it causes the elastin and collagen in your skin to break. Elastin’s fundamental part is to permit your skin to extend. Collagen’s main part is to supply structure, quality and bolster to your skin. As your skin recuperates, stretch marks show up in areas where elastin breaks.

Are Stretch Marks Infectious?

No, stretch marks aren’t infectious. You can’t spread stretch marks through skin-to-skin contact.

How Are Stretch Marks Treated?

In common, treating stretch marks is hard. Treatment makes strides the appearance of stretch marks, but they may not go absent totally. Treating your stretch marks when they begin to show up yields the most excellent results. More seasoned, profound stretch marks may be more challenging to treat.

Treatment Choices Include:

Laser skin resurfacing:

Laser skin resurfacing could be a sort of surgery. Your healthcare provider coordinates short, concentrated, throbbing beams of light on your stretch marks. The laser removes the layers of your skin with precision, which stimulates the development of unused collagen strands to make smoother skin.

You ought to see an immediate result after treatment. Your skin may proceed to make strides for up to a year, and the enhancement may final for a few years.

Side effects may include the appearance of little white bumps on your skin, swelling, dim ranges of skin and light zones of skin.


Dermabrasion could be a sort of surgery. Your healthcare provider uses a specialized instrument to scrape away your stretch marks. This procedure improves your skin form and results in smooth unused skin.

It’ll likely take at least two weeks for your skin to heal. You ought to see a full, total result a few weeks or months after the strategy.


During microneedling, your healthcare provider pricks your skin with very thin needles. The minor punctures helps the growth of unused collagen and elastin filaments to make firmer skin. Most people require between three and six medications to see results.

A few individuals see full, total results within a space of 4 to 6 months. But it may take longer.

Side effects may include aggravation, discoloration, swelling and flaky skin.

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks?


Research recommends that a few domestic cures may offer assistance treat or avoid stretch marks, including:

  • Aloe vera gel.
  • Hyaluronic corrosive.
  • Centella asiatica herb.

Delicately rub the product into your stretch marks each day for good and efficient results. It may take a few weeks some time before you start seeing expected results.

Treatment options include:

Laser skin resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a type of surgery. Your healthcare provider directs short, concentrated, pulsating beams of light on your stretch marks. The laser removes layers of your skin very precisely, which stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers to create smoother skin.

You should see an immediate difference after treatment. Your skin may continue to improve for up to a year, and the improvement may last for several years.

Side effects may include the appearance of small white bumps on your skin, swelling, dark areas of skin and light areas of skin.


Dermabrasion is a type of surgery. Your healthcare provider uses a specialized instrument to scrape away your stretch marks. The process improves your skin contour and results in smooth new skin.

It will likely take at least two weeks for your skin to heal. You should see full, complete results several weeks or months after the procedure.


During microneedling, your healthcare provider pokes your skin with thin needles. The tiny punctures stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin fibers to create firmer skin. Most people require between three and six treatments to see results.

Some people see full, complete results within 4 to 6 months. But it may take longer.

Side effects may include irritation, discoloration, swelling and flaky skin.

Home remedies for stretch marks?

Research suggests that some home remedies may help treat or prevent stretch marks, including:

Aloe vera gel.

Hyaluronic acid.

Centella asiatica herb.

Gently massage the product into your stretch marks every day for the best results. It may take several weeks before you start seeing results.

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