October 20, 2024

Many factors influence weight gain. These are most likely genes, hormones, food, and lifestyle factors like sleep, physical exercise, and stress. You gain weight when you consume more calories than you burn — or when you consume less calories than you burn. – weight loss

Some individuals attribute their weight gain to how their bodies convert food into energy, often known as metabolism. They believe that their metabolism is too sluggish. But is it the true cause? Is it possible to speed up the procedure if this is the case?

True, the pace at which the body digests food is related to weight. A sluggish metabolism, however, is not generally the cause of weight gain.

Metabolism does play a role in determining how much energy the body requires. However, weight is determined by how much a person eats and drinks, as well as physical activity.

The process through which the body converts food and drink into energy is known as metabolism. During this process, calories from food and liquids combine with oxygen to produce the energy that the body requires.

Even while resting, the body needs energy to function properly. This involves breathing, circulating blood throughout the body, maintaining hormone balance, and developing and repairing cells. The quantity of calories used by a body at rest to perform these activities is referred to as Basal metabolic rate.

The primary determinant of basal metabolic rate is muscle mass. The basal metabolic rate is also affected by:

  1. Size and composition of the body: Even while at rest, those who are bigger or have greater muscle burn more calories.
  1. Sex: Men of the same age and weight tend to have less body fat and greater muscle than women. This implies that guys expend more calories.
  1. Age: People lose muscle mass as they age. Fat makes up a larger portion of the body’s weight, slowing calorie combustion.

Aside from the basal metabolic rate, two additional factors influence how many calories a body burns every day:

– What the body does with food: Calories are expended during the digestion, absorption, movement, and storage of food. About 10% of calories consumed are required for digestion and nutritional absorption. This cannot be adjusted significantly.

– The amount of exercise a body does. Any action, such as playing tennis, strolling to the shop, or chasing the dog, accounts for the remaining calories burned by the body each day. This may be greatly improved by increasing physical activity and just moving more throughout the day.

NonExercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) refers to daily activity that is not exercise. This involves going for a stroll around the home. Gardening, housekeeping, and even fidgeting are examples of activities. NEAT contributes to around 100 to 800 calories consumed each day.

So you want to reduce weight but don’t know where to begin?

Overweight and obesity are the most frequent dietary problems worldwide. Yes, it is even more widespread than malnutrition across the world. This implies that more individuals are attempting to reduce weight than ever before.

Unfortunately, this has resulted in weight reduction being a multibillion-dollar business. When you search “how to lose weight,” you will come across a plethora of diets, diet pills, diet smoothies… the list is really limitless. Fad diets abound, from cabbage soup diets to the keto diet, and the material is contradictory and perplexing.

What Exactly Is A Fad Diet?

A fad diet is a diet plan that excludes one or more food categories. They usually have tight guidelines and promise quick weight reduction.

What’s Not to Like about Quick Weight loss?

It’s alluring. If you go on a rigorous diet for a few weeks and lose a lot of weight, you may believe to yourself, woohoo; goal done!

No, not really. I usually tell people that if a diet actually worked, everyone would be following it and there would be no obesity issue. Fad diets may have disastrous impacts on general health and, in many instances, lead to long-term weight gain.

So, the next time you’re tempted to try a fad diet, remember that 90% of them fail. You wouldn’t put your money into a firm with such a high failure chance, so why adopt this stupid approach with your most valuable asset: your health?

What Happens When You Diet Strictly?

Essentially, no matter whatever diet you follow, they all function on the same principle: lower your calorie or energy consumption.

Your body needs energy to operate. Energy is necessary to make your brain operate, your lungs to breathe, your heart to pump blood, and your digestive system to function, to mention a few of the hundreds of internal activities that we are not even aware of. If your body does not acquire the energy it needs for these activities from food or drink, it will draw it from your fat reserves. This is how “fat loss” or “weight loss” occurs.

For most individuals, losing 1-2 pounds (0.5-1kg) of fat every week is a major accomplishment since it involves lowering your calorie consumption by 3,500-7000 calories per week.

It is advised that you achieve this deficit via appropriate diet choices and activity so that your body obtains the nutrients it needs to be healthy. Furthermore, concentrating on healthy eating and exercise can help you develop a better connection with food and modify the patterns that led to weight loss in the first place.


Excessive dieting may lead to a loss of muscular mass, stored energy, and hydration. These are necessary components for your body’s wellbeing. So, when you stand on the scale and see lbs/kgs of weight come off, it is not always body fat, which is the aim for everyone trying to lose weight.

Fad Diets should be avoided at all costs. As appealing as they may seem, these diets are unrealistic and are engineered to fail, which means you will be a client of the diet business for the rest of your life. Turn your attention away from food and onto your behaviors. What caused the weight increase to begin with?

Lack of time, stress, lack of understanding, and other factors are typical causes for most individuals. Focus on good food, frequent movement, and consistency. It takes 7 days for your body to use stored fat for energy, so don’t expect to see results within 2-3 days. If the scales are discouraging you, try focusing on how your clothing fits. Find a tight-fitting pair of pants or a shirt that will keep you motivated when they begin to loosen.

It is possible to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. It is sometimes important to drown out the weight loss business and choose the path less traveled. With a few months of behavior change, you may achieve your goal while also obtaining the skills and knowledge required to keep the weight off for good.

Start now to become a healthier, more energetic version of yourself. And keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race.

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